Sunday, 3 February 2013

On Happy Notes

Hey guys, dunno if anyone's reading, but I've decided to make a weekly blog post on what makes me happy on Sundays before I start my week.

1. My plants
I'm not usually a plant kind of person. I heard from a friend that succulents are really easy to grow, all you need is to water it every week (I guess?) and give it sunlight. Before these three gorgeous babies I've had a cactus but it died in a month. I've had these babies for a week only, they seem healthy, I keep you posted on how they are next week.

2. Cool Haircuts

 I have long black straight (boring) hair right now, and I'd like to get a haircut. I'd like to trim them but my hair's too thick and they wouldn't look good (I've tried trust me). Hope I can make a decision next week, which is my Chinese New Year Holiday so I can use my red packet money for this makeover :) 

3. Nail Polish
First of all, sorry about my stupid fat hand and small nail beds. Second of all, I own tons of nail polish that some of them I haven't even tried on yet, maybe someday I'll make a post about it. I'm wearing Revlon Craving Coral 902, which my style icon Alexa Chung said was her go-to...a few years ago. So, I've been loving it since.

Here's my bits of happy notes, what about yours?

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